


Update May 2009

Explore the possibility of Green Lanes (ie 20mph & priority for walkers/cyclists/riders)

Present findings to the Action group to discuss feasibility

Our lanes are becoming increasingly busy; the safety of other road users is at risk.

54% of survey respondents (392 people) supported the idea of Green Lanes around Westfield

The recognised name for these lanes is Quiet Lanes. There are several examples around the country where areas have introduced them. East Sussex County Council has shown some interest but this is a long term action which will need more commitment by the County Council.

There has been no further progress on this Action this year.

Gather information about Public Transport and the long term strategy for the Parish

Present findings to the Action Group to consider if further work is needed

24% of respondents (172 people) experienced problems with using public transport

Most of our transport actions require work across county. We now have a volunteer who attends the Rother Transport Action Group who reports back on wider issues and ensures Westfield’s ideas are heard.

Find a solution to the village parking problems

53% (389 people) identified car parking as a problem in the village. The most commonly identified sites were The Surgery, village halls and the roads around the school, especially at school drop-off and pick-up times

No Long term solution has been found to the village parking problems but recently the local Community Police Support Officer has helped by informing parents dropping children off at school about safer parking.


Make pathways more accessible to allow people to walk into the village

Comments were received about overgrown hedges and obstructed footways causing difficulties to pedestrians

A Group of volunteers has been working on various projects around the village for the last year. East Sussex County Council has provided equipment and training. The projects have included a new kissing gate & a new stile in the valley, minor repair to a bridge, path clearance behind New Cut and signage.

Consider routes for cyclists:-

a)Beggars Corner to The Plough- through Fish Ponds lane to Cricket ground, down drive to A28 (possible new roundabout), Mill Lane to Cottage Lane and along to Sedlescombe

b) Link with Marsh Cycle routes via Doleham Halt (good train service).

Make Doleham Lane, and Lower Lidham Hill Green Lanes

322 respondents declared that dangerous roads or lack of cycle paths prevent them cycling more

These actions need a committed volunteer to make progress.

The Action Plan group are considering looking for Grant funding for someone to do some research into the feasibility of this action.


Revisit a "Wheelies" type car service as BACT looks set to close down

To match identified travel needs of residents with those willing to help provide transport

The Action Plan Group feel there is still an unidentified need for help with this. Possibilities will be explored in the future via the HUB.




Update May 2009

Ensure all new housing in the parish has a certain percentage available for Westfield families, such as the Westfield Down proposal – see under Recreation



Most comments received were about already over-stretched infra structures and not wanting any further housing. If houses must be built, consideration should be given to current residents’ needs (previous developments have resulted in an influx of people from outside the immediate area putting additional strain on services)

This year a housing survey was completed by Action in Rural Sussex. A need for specific housing has been identified and the Parish Council is considering a small development for Westfield residents which will always be kept for Westfield families.


Community Safety



Update May 2009

Establish wider coverage of Neighbourhood Watch

51% of respondents already belong to a neighbourhood watch scheme. Of those who do not, many expressed an interest in knowing more

The email address for neighbourhood watch was circulated widely and continues to be in the Community Newsletter on a regular basis.

Another project related to this is the "No Cold Calling Zone". Anyone who would like to join the scheme should contact Joan Downing on 752463.


This is a really important issue for most people. There is a need to keep our environment clean and pleasant and this will be an area where the parishioners can work together.



Update May 2009

Organise a "Spring Clean" once or twice a year

Set up a system whereby people regularly do their own "patch"

There was a high level of support for all suggested remedies for tidying Westfield. 264 people favoured an annual or bi-annual community clean-up

This continues to be a well supported project with a Spring Clean and Autumn Tidy up each year. A large number of volunteers also continue to clear up their patch on a regular basis.


Tackle the Litter problem in the parish

The litter problem was the most frequently indicated local environment issue


As Above


Spring Into Westfield

To improve the roadside display in the Spring

A group of Volunteers planted some bulbs last October. This project will continue with new bulbs added this year both in the village and at Baldslow Down.


Investigate more frequent bottle bank emptying or permanent bank


This action is now considered complete as the bottle bank is well used and emptied regularly. The Kerbside collection of plastic bottles has been very successful.


Explore changes needed to the way we deal with Dog Fouling

60% of respondents

expressed concern about dog fouling and 49% would like more dog waste bins

The new contract has been very successful. The number of bins has increased from 8 to 10. The bins are emptied regularly and there have been no reported concerns.

Some inconsiderate people continue to fail to pick up after their dogs.


Tackle the vandalism and Graffiti problems in the Parish

61% of respondents to the adult survey expressed concern about vandalism. 53% of primary school children identified this as the problem most in need of solutions

The Graffiti kit has not been needed much this year. If parishioners identify any new areas of concern please let Barbara Balkham know - 751531

Young People and Children



Update May 2009

Develop the play facilities in the Parish



63% of respondents (460 people) want improved play facilities. 76 of our primary school children put this as their highest priority

The new equipment at the recreation ground was installed in December. This has been a huge success and continues to be well used and appreciated by the children and young people.

Develop a Youth Club

75% of adult respondents (550 people) support the development of a youth club. 18% of the young people, in the 11 to 16 age group, wanted a youth club

As there was no response from volunteers willing to run a youth club the Action Plan Group held 3 youth events last year. This year a film night was held in January which was less well attended than hoped for. Action In Rural Sussex have agreed to hold several youth events this summer which will also be used to canvas the young people on ideas for future events.




Update May 2009

Set up a Parish Website to compliment the Parish newsletter

62% of respondents have access to the internet and 52% supported the idea of setting up a Parish website

The parish Web site is being re-launched this year. It is planned to make this a community based site which can be used by all local organisations. The basic designs have been completed and funding is now being sort. We hope to launch the new site in the autumn.


The Westfield Down proposal is a major initiative in our parish. It combines the requirement for us to have more housing, the need for the football club to have a new pitch and pavilion so that they can remain in the second division (and possibly move up), a new pavilion for the cricket club, a new base for scouts, cubs and beavers, and an area for developing a children’s playground.



Update May 2009

Support the development of the Westfield Down proposal


Form a partnership with the Steering group

80% (586 people)

Support the development of new sports facilities at Westfield down

Progress has been disappointingly slow on this project. Outline planning permission has been applied for. It is hoped that there will be significant progress in the next year.


Explore the possibility of a Drop In Centre

56% (408 people)

Would like to see a Drop-in centre for the community

The HUB was launched in April with a lively well attended opening event. It is currently operating every Friday from 10am to noon at the Old Court House PUB. Information leaflets, computer access, book swap and refreshments are available.


Consider what is available in the Parish for the elderly and if further groups etc are needed

Identify a lead to take this forward

To utilise volunteers who have an interest in provision for the elderly and to plan for a growing older population

This action is being explored alongside the "drop In" idea.

General Issues



Update May 2009

Maintain a database for all volunteers from the survey and future volunteers

To promote a self-help community and make best use of volunteered manpower.

A data base has been set up

New volunteers are always welcome please contact Sue France – 751029 if you would like more information about any aspects of the Action Plan or if you would like to be involved.